Frequently Asked Questions
How do I report that my child is ill?
If your child is ill please contact the office on 01453 883123 (option 1) before 9am leaving your child’s name, class and details of why they are ill. If you expect your child to return to school by lunchtime, please include that information in your message if you would like a lunch to be ordered for your child.
What if my child is late to school?
Please sign your child in at the office and we will take them to their classroom. Lateness not only causes disruption to your own child's learning but also to that of others in their class thus making for an unsettled start to the day. We understand that occasionally lateness can occur, but please ensure it does not become a regular occurrence.
Punctuality and attendance are monitored on a monthly basis. Should there be cause for concern the school will contact parents for an informal discussion. In the event attendance or punctuality does not improve this may lead to involvement of the Education Welfare Officer.
What do I need to do if my child has a GP, dental or hospital appointment?
Where possible, please arrange for your child to have appointments outside school hours. We recognise this is not always possible, so if your child does have an appointment during school hours, please contact the office on 01453 883123 as soon as you know about the appointment and they will inform your child’s teacher.
To pick up or drop off a child during school hours, please sign them in/out with the office first.
What do I do if my child has a music or dance exam?
Go to the office to request a form so that the teacher knows in advance when your child will be off school.
To pick up or drop off a child during school house, please sign them in/out with the office first.
Can I book a holiday during term time?
To request time off during term time, go to the office to request a form. Depending on the circumstances, and child's current level of attendance and punctuality, the absence will either be granted as authorised or un-authorised.
What do I do if I want to discuss something with my child’s teacher?
You may be able to catch your child’s teacher at the end of a school day; this is preferable since in the mornings, teachers will be preparing for the day ahead. If you require a longer or more private talk with them, you can either arrange a mutually convenient time with the teacher after school, or via the school office.
What if my child has allergies?
Please inform the school office if your child has any allergies. It is parents/carers responsibility to keep the school updated if this information changes during your child’s time at Chalford Hill. You will also need to complete an Allergy Form for the school kitchen.
What if my child needs to take medicine during the school day?
If your child needs to take medicine during the day, you will be required to complete a form from the school office and either give the medicine to your child’s teacher or to the school office. Do not leave the medicine with your child. Please see attached form if you would prefer to complete it at home and bring it in with you.
If you would like your child to self-administer medicine (such as cough lozenges) or other tablets (such as health supplements), you should inform the relevant teacher or school office. Medicine should be handed to the teacher or office staff in a sealed container or packet to store until needed.
Where is lost property kept?
On dry days, lost property will be left outside the school gates on Fridays during drop off and pick up times. If you are unable to get to the school at these times, or if the situation is more urgent, please contact the school office and they will aim to assist you.
Can my child walk home on their own?
A number of the children from Years 4, 5 & 6 elect to walk home with their friends. In this instance parents/carers must give their written permission for this to take place, (please see attached form). Equally, those parents/carers of pupils in Years 4, 5 & 6 who wish their child to cycle / scoot to and from school independently must also indicate this on the form, with the understanding that they assume responsibility for their children in this situation.
How do I find out about important school events and term dates?
The school calendar is published on the school website and in our weekly newsletter.
What is the school Uniform?
Details of the school uniform can be found in the document at the bottom of the page. It can be purchased from Bateman's Sports in Stroud. The PTA runs a second hand uniform service and you can e-mail your requirements to
What do I do if my child has head lice?
We understand that head lice can be a problem in schools. If your child has headlice please treat immediately and inform the school office. This allows us to inform other parents of children in the same class that they need to be on the lookout so that they can treat if necessary. Please see the guidance below.
Will the school be open if it snows?
Please see the document below regarding information on snowy days. Should the school have to close for another emergency the same protocol will be followed.
When does the school day start?
Children should be in school for a 8.45am start. Registration is completed straight afterwards.
Can I change my child's lunch choices?
Please let the office staff know and they will inform you when the changes will take effect from.