Chalford Hill Primary is a local community school and maintained by Gloucestershire County Council.
We currently have spaces in Reception, Year 1 and Year 5. We always welcome visits from prospective parents, as we believe the best way for you to get a feel for our school is to see it in action. To arrange a visit please contact the school office on 01453 883123.
The school seeks to ensure that equality and fairness are upheld regarding all admissions and follow the agreed policy and procedures as determined by Gloucestershire County Council who act as the Admission Authority for Chalford Hill Primary School.
Further information with reference to ‘Applying for a Primary School’, 'Applying for a school place during the school year', 'School Admissions Appeals Process' and ‘Applying for a Secondary School' can be found on the Gloucestershire County Council website on their Admissions page.
Link: Gloucestershire County Council - Admissions
Information on our Admissions criteria can be found on the following Gloucestershire County Council page.
Link: Admissions Criteria