Letters Check this page for any letters we have sent home this term regarding trips, school clubs or other important notices. Autumn Term 2019 Y5 - Bikeability Consent Letter - 2019-12 [pdf 624KB] Y1 - Marble Treat - 2019-12 [pdf 201KB] Y4 - Marble treat - 2019-11 [pdf 25KB] ALL - Parent letter regarding the office - 2019-11 [pdf 325KB] ALL - Eco Council letter - 2019-11 [pdf 43KB] Y5 Handball festival 8 Nov 2019 [pdf 224KB] Y5 - Cosford RAF Museum - 2019-10 [pdf 253KB] Y3 - Chedworth Roman Villa - 2019-10 [pdf 373KB] ALL - Road Safety - 2019-10 [pdf 142KB] Y4 - Vikings -2019-10 [pdf 213KB] YR - Autumn Woodland letter - 2019-10 [pdf 243KB] Y1 - Y6 - After School Club letter - 2019-10 [pdf 263KB] Y2 - Autumn Woods - 2019-10 [pdf 120KB] ALL - End of day arrangements - 2019-09 [pdf 166KB] ALL - Enrichment - 2019-09 [pdf 314KB] ALL - Welcome back letter - 2019-09 [pdf 163KB] Y3 - Swimming letter - 2019-09 [pdf 66KB] Y1-Y4 - Home Reading System - 2019-09 [pdf 188KB] Summer Term 2019 All - Home reading system - 2019-07 [pdf 310KB] ALL - parent letter regarding office procedures [pdf 145KB] ALL - Parent consultation letter - 2019-07 [pdf 497KB] ALL - Activities Week - 2019-07 [pdf 140KB] ALL - Autumn Term Lunch Letter 2019 - 2019-07 [pdf 144KB] Y6 - trip to Everyman theatre - 2019-06 [pdf 206KB] JUNIORS - Junior Performance Tickets - 2019-06 [pdf 104KB] Y2 - Common exception words - 2019-06 [pdf 99KB] Y4 - In the Net - 2019-06 [pdf 139KB] ALL - Deputy Head appointment - 2019-05 [pdf 348KB] YR - trip to Cotswold Farm Park - 2019-05 [pdf 206KB] ALL - NSPCC Letter to Parents - 2019-05 [pdf 107KB] Y1 - trip to Weston - 2019-05 [pdf 205KB] Y6 - SATs letter to parents - 2019-05 [pdf 45KB] ALL - Sports Day Parents letter -2019-05 [pdf 27KB] Spring Term 2019 Y5 & Y6 - trip to Winchcombe Station - 2019-04 [pdf 352KB] Y2 & Y3 - trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park - 2019-04 [pdf 202KB] Y3 - Country Dance Festival - 2019-04 [pdf 6KB] ALL - Pupil Acceptable Use Policy - 2019-03 [pdf 539KB] Y5 - Viney Hill letter - 2019-03 [pdf 198KB] ALL - Summer Term Menu - 2019-03 [pdf 203KB] ALL - Summer term menu letter - 2019-03 [pdf 149KB] ALL - Readathon - 2019-03 [pdf 90KB] Y2 - Multi Skills - 2019-03 [pdf 137KB] Y3 - Chedworth Roman Villa - 2019-02 [pdf 372KB] Y5 & Y6 - Thomas Keble play - 2019-02 [pdf 130KB] Y6 - Internet Safety - 2019-02 [pdf 41KB] ALL - Library Learning Resource Centre - 2019-02 [pdf 183KB] Y5 - Book Fair - 2019-02 [pdf 293KB] Y4 - DT Project - 2019-01 [pdf 216KB] Y5 - Bikeability consent - 2019-01 [pdf 613KB] Y1 - Y6 - Scooters - 2019-01 [pdf 115KB] YR - Open Afternoon - 2019-01 [pdf 106KB]